Puss and Boot Eyes

Remember the puss and boots eyes I referred to earlier? Here they are. The eyes that could get him anything he wanted. He could rob a bank and get away with these eyes. He could get food from anybodys plate when he looked at you like this. He was a good begger. He was a good cat. Wait until the next post at least. This is his last good cat post. Oscar is officially nine months old now, he can get fixed. His vet appointment is coming soon. Our little trash cat is the size of a medium dog now, and still growing. He loves all of my nieces, and Oci. He has met my dog now, her name is Bella. Him and Bella hit it off. I was nervous to introduce him to her, shes a large dog and he has never met a dog before. He took it well. He didn’t boop her nose or anything, she even jumped around at him in a circle and he just stayed still, watching her. Bella is an older dog but she sure does act like a puppy sometimes. She is a good girl. I came in the front door the other day and Oscar was in Bella’s bed, and Bella was laying on the floor next to it. The big ole guard dog got kicked out of her bed by a little trash cat. How ironic. Oci finally walks up to him now. She licks his face and his ears to clean them. She is finally taken on a motherly role towards Oscar. Took long enough, didn’t it? Hey, to each their own. But I know these kitties were finally starting to be friends. Oci would finally walk up to him to cuddle and lay down. They take naps together pretty often. I would say their best friends at this point. Two house cats, getting all fat and stuff, pooping in the same litter box, yeah, best friends. They finally started sharing food out of the same bowl, we don't have to have multiple food bowls across the room. They sit on the same chairs now and play with toys together. I have never seen Oci so active, I always thought she was a lazy cat. Maybe she was just bored. Maybe she was just lonely. Who knows, but I know I have never seen Oci jump up in a widow to window hunt birds until Oscar came around. 


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