Plot Twist

Ah, here we are. The main part of the story. Oscar got fixed, and everything went pretty well, or so we thought. About a week after surgery, he started spazzing out around the house. He would be walking and his feet would kick out from under him. He would be asleep and then all of a sudden wake up and bite your arm and run away. He started to be a little asshole if were being honest. We told the vet and she said they were called testosterone flares, and to watch out because he may become extremely violent. Since he was still in puberty when he got fixed, taking the testosterone 100% out of his body caused roid rage basically. He was pinning Oci down and biting her neck, he was chasing Bella and biting her tail, he was being a little jerk. A couple more days go by, and im watching my niece. My neighbors dog just died this morning so my sister took my neighbor to have the dog cremated. She loved the dog a lot, no judgement from my side. Bella went to kiss Oci, and Oscar came in and attacked Bellas face. She tried to shake him off of her head, but he had a grip with his little murder mittens. My niece tried to grab Oscar and I stopped her because I know how bad cat fights can get. Don’t break up fighting animals. Instead, I tried to kick Oscar off of Bellas head. Not the smartest, but at the time it was a better idea than trying to grab him. He ran off and I realized bellas nose was bleeding so I took her outside. Upon returning, is probably one of the worst moments of my life. My beloved little trash cat ran up my leg, latched his claws into my arm, and bit my collar bone and started to bunny kick me. He bit my face, be bit my neck, he bit my wrist so bad I thought he had fractured it. I couldn’t bend my wrist for four days and iv never seen a cat lave a 4 inch bruise from biting somebody. In total, I had 72 scratches, bumps, and bites. Almost all of them bruised instantly, since I was so relaxed when it happened and he meant to hurt me. I had them from my leg (which he ran up) , to my stomach, one arm totally covered, the palm of my hand, and my collar bone, jawline, and neck. When my sister got home, she made the decision to take Oscar out to the woods and let him go. Since that day, I have never seen Oscar again.  


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